In CS:GO, skin seed values are used to differentiate between identical skins by adding a unique identifier to the skin's texture. The seed value is a randomly generated number that determines the pattern or wear on a particular skin.
For example, two players might both have an AK-47 skin with the same design, but different seed values. The seed value will determine the placement and intensity of the texture, wear and tear, making each skin slightly unique.
Seed values are important because they can affect the value of a skin. Some collectors and traders prefer skins with certain seed values, as they may be more visually appealing or rarer than other skins. Additionally, some patterns or wear levels may be more desirable than others, making skins with certain seed values more valuable on the market.
It's important to note that seed values do not affect gameplay in any way and are purely cosmetic. They are also randomly generated and cannot be manipulated or chosen by players.
Seed Values
Seed values can be in the range of 0 to 1000. Seeds 0 and 1 have the same look due to how the generator works.
If two skins have the exact same seed, the pattern on them will match, but they may have different float values which determine the wear amount applied to the skin. Here is an example of two skins with the same pattern seed, but different wear values.

How to find the seed for a skin
You can find the seed value for any skin by inspecting it in CS:GO. When you hover the icon it will show you details for the skin.

"Finish Style" and "Finish Catalog" show the style and id for the current skin.
"Pattern Template" shows the seed for this skin.
"Wear Rating" shows the wear value for this skin, also called the "float"